Why This Website

I don’t like politics. I hate the shouting match that it has become. I live in San Luis Obispo, and in the last 4 or 5 years I’ve seen that sort of “the loudest people win” philosophy all but totally take over local politics. I’m sick of it. I’m all for people having different opinions, but what’s basically become the mob take-over of local meetings and even officials is sad.

SLO Board of SupervisorsI like Adam Hill. Yes, with his east coast roots he can be aggressive in a way that SLO Town doesn’t understand, but I’m also from the east coast so it doesn’t bother me. He’s made some mistakes with that Jersey attitude. He’s admitted that. But you know what? So have I and so have you. What makes me so angry is that “The Shouters” for lack of a better term have targeted him relentlessly for years now. They want the noise of their own anger overwhelm the fact that, you know what, our supervisors get a lot of work done, and that includes Adam Hill, who it can be argued has done more than most. So that’s why this dumb blog that probably no one will read anyway, but like most people, I have no more say that my vote, which doesn’t seem to county as much as it used to.

The amount of crap that all of the supervisors of SLO County have to endure during their meetings is overwhelming. At first I didn’t believe it.You hear something from a friend, or read something in the Tribune, but I never really believed it until I saw it first hand. The amount of, I’m sorry to say, paranoid insanity and misdirected anger that these people throw at the board of sups during public comment is amazing. Sometimes it’s surreal. Once I saw it for myself, any and all complaints from the other side about how any supervisor runs a meeting instantly became meaningless in my book. No rational grown up should have to put up with the barrage that our supervisors do. The difference is that sups like Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson don’t cater to it while others have to because of political party affiliation.

Back when Adam Hill was the Chair of the board of sups, he tried to control this sort of stuff – which of course pissed them all off to no end and made it even worse. Sadly, no one on the other side stands up on behalf of the supervisors who aren’t catering to the craziness of these people.

You look online and always see the typical right-wing whacko-birds of conservative radio or the joke that is CalCoastNews. They get all the top results because, well, anger motivates people more than anything else. Rational people don’t post comments all day long, so those articles don’t show up as high on search results. These hyper-angry people rant all day long – I wonder what the heck they do with the rest of their lives!?! It’s like enraged complaining has become the national past time of the right wing, and the rest of us have unfortunately let it go on too long.

If you haven’t ever attended a public comment at a board of supervisors meeting you should. You’ll be amazed and start to see the truth about politics in SLO, and that all the crap they throw around about Adam Hill is not only hyperbolic and based in irrational anger, but that the ones who keep trying to make him look bad always have some sort of bizarre agenda that barely borders on rational. That’s why this most likely pointless little blog. Someone needs to say it out loud. Adam Hill does a good job, and since no one else seems brave enough to say it because they’re afraid of the shouty people, I at least will. I don’t care if you like him personally or not; like his campaign says, what matters is that he’s doing the work and he’s doing it well. The outlandish noise coming from the very, very political opposition is tying to make people forget that. Unless rational people get off their butts and *say* something about it, then the crazy noise will always win – that’s why they make so much noise, because they know most of the other people in this country are too damn lazy to fight against it.

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